My package has been lost. Now what?
If you place an order with us before 3pm, it will be collected, packed and shipped the same day. Our partner DPD collects the orders to deliver them to you as soon as possible. You will always receive an e-mail with the track & trace code to track the order.
Very occasionally, you may receive a message that your order has been delivered but that you have not received anything. Very annoying of course! What you can do is the following:
- First check with neighbours to see if they have accepted the parcel.
- Take a good look around your house to make sure the courier did not put the parcel somewhere in the garden or under the carport.
- Check your track & trace details on the carrier's website. Maybe they have been updated. The parcel may have been delivered later or taken to a pick-up location.
Is the parcel still not found? Please, contact us. We will try to find out where the parcel is located and inform you as soon as possible.
Has the parcel really been lost? We will of course resolve it with you.