FiltersBrackets & Connection CablesHeat shrink tubingsCable tiesCable sealsJunction boxesSocketsElectrocoilsConnectorsControl panelsSwitchesCable setsRelays and fusesAssortments boxesM-LED Cable terminalsRed (0.5-1.5 mm²)Blue (1.5-2.5 mm²)Yellow (4-6 mm²)Cable connectorCable splittersStarter rings (16-50mm²)Cable end terminalsPliers and press toolsBracketsResistors canbusBattery terminal clampsCable sets bayonetPrice MinimumTo MaximumAll products in Cable splitters Filter6 productsShow:12243672Sort by:Sort byDefaultPopularityNewest productsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descending10x Cable connector splitter 0.5-1.0 mm² red Compare In stock€1,95 (€1,61 excl. VAT)Quantity100x Cable connector splitter 0.5-1.0 mm² red Compare In stock€9,95 (€8,22 excl. VAT)Quantity10x Cable connector splitter 0.75-2.5 mm² blue Compare In stock€1,95 (€1,61 excl. VAT)Quantity100x Cable connector splitter 0.75-2.5 mm² blue Compare In stock€9,95 (€8,22 excl. VAT)Quantity10x Cable connector splitter 4-6 mm² yellow Compare In stock€2,95 (€2,44 excl. VAT)Quantity100x Cable connector splitter 4-6 mm² yellow Compare In stock€16,95 (€14,01 excl. VAT)QuantityOther subcategories in Brackets & Connection
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