FiltersInterior lights ElongatedRoundOther shapesPrice MinimumTo MaximumAll products in Other shapes Filter32 productsShow:12243672Sort by:Sort byDefaultPopularityNewest productsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descendingM-LED Interieurlamp 12-30 volt Compare In stock€19,95 (€16,49 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting with switch Compare In stock€19,95 (€16,49 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting with dimmer Compare In stock€19,95 (€16,49 excl. VAT)QuantityDouble interior lighting with switch Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityDouble interior lighting with switches Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting motion sensor 12-24V Compare In stock€39,95 (€33,02 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior light red/white with switch Compare In stock€34,95 (€28,88 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting with switch 12-24V white Compare In stock€37,95 (€31,36 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting white without switch 12-24V Compare In stock€34,95 (€28,88 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting black without switch 12-24V Compare In stock€39,95 (€33,02 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting motion sensor 12-24V black Compare In stock€44,95 (€37,15 excl. VAT)QuantityBlack interior lighting with switch and dimming setting 12-24V Compare In stock€39,95 (€33,02 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior light red/white with switch Compare In stock€34,95 (€28,88 excl. VAT)QuantityMotion sensor for interior lighting 12-24 V Compare In stock€32,95 (€27,23 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting opal 12-24V white Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting opal 12-24V switch white Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting rectangle 12V black Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting flat rectangle 24V black Compare In stock€29,95 (€24,75 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting rectangle 12V gray Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting flat rectangle 24V grey Compare In stock€29,95 (€24,75 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting rectangle 12V white Compare In stock€24,95 (€20,62 excl. VAT)QuantityInterior lighting flat rectangle 24V white Compare In stock€29,95 (€24,75 excl. VAT)QuantitySMD LED Interior lighting white 12-24V switch Compare In stock€27,95 (€23,10 excl. VAT)QuantitySMD LED Interior lighting white 12-24V switch 1920 lm Compare In stock€44,95 (€37,15 excl. VAT)Quantity12Other subcategories in Interior lights